A Haven for Wildlife and Conservation in Lebanon

The Palm Islands Nature Reserve consists of three eroded limestone islands and surrounding sea area located near Tripoli, Lebanon. It spans 4.2 square kilometers and has been designated as a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance.

The islands are important for various species, including endangered turtles, rare monk seals, and over 160 bird species.

Endangered Fish and Animal Species Nearing Extinction

Endangered species face extinction risks. Red List categories like Critically Endangered and Endangered underscore the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect them and their habitats.

Awareness & Eco-Friendly


A Tapestry of Fish Life and Animal Awareness

From the moment one sets foot on the sandy shore, a sense of awareness unfolds, as the rhythmic crashing of waves and the gentle caress of the salty breeze awaken our senses. As we explore the shoreline, we become acutely aware of the teeming life beneath the surface of the water.


Preserving Marine Ecosystems

Embracing an eco-friendly approach, dive clubs, fishermen, and touristic boats play a pivotal role in preserving the delicate marine ecosystems they interact with. By adopting sustainable practices, these entities strive to minimize their environmental impact while providing unforgettable experiences.


Discover the Exhilarating Events of Palm Island Check Out What’s Happening

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اختام مشروع حماية الحياة البحرية للطلاب وحفل توزيع الجوائز

توزيع الشهادات والجوائز لورش حماية الحياة البحرية

التسليم الرسمي لقارب زودياك لمحمية جزر النخيل من قبل ال UNDP

ورشة تفاعلية حول حماية الحياة البحرية لطلاب ثانوية روضة الفيحاء

لقاء تفاعلي حول المناطق البحرية المحمية ومخاطر الصيد الضار