The Palm Islands Nature Reserve tells a fascinating story of natural beauty and ecological significance.


it has been recognized and protected as a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance since 2012, as designated by the 1995 Barcelona Convention.

The islands have been widely acknowledged as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International since 1994, as they serve as a sanctuary for over 160 bird species, including several internationally threatened ones.



Situated just 5.5 kilometres offshore from Tripoli, Lebanon



This reserve consists of 3 distinct islands made up of eroded limestone.



Spanning an area of 4.2 square kilometers

The scientists and researchers at Palm Island National Reserve are dedicated to showcasing the beauty of wildlife and raising awareness about the risks of extinction.

They study the fragile ecosystems within the reserve, emphasizing the importance of every species and the consequences of their loss. Their work inspires people to protect and preserve the natural wonders of the reserve.

Guardians of Diversity: Preserving Palm Island’s Natural Wonders

Wild Life

Palm Island is a valuable scientific resource for studying wildlife diversity.

It also attracts a variety of bird species, both resident and migratory, contributing to the island’s recognition as an Important Bird Area. The surrounding marine environment is home to numerous fish species, each playing a unique role in the ecosystem. Additionally, the island’s insect population, with its pollinators and decomposers, contributes to the overall ecological balance.


Discovering Palm Island’s Fresh Tourism Delights

Palm Island beckons curious travelers with its scientifically enriched tourism offerings, featuring boat trips and the expertise of knowledgeable guides. Embarking on a voyage through this captivating destination exposes visitors to a wealth of ecological wonders and invigorating freshness.

Accompanied by experienced guides well-versed in the island’s natural history, you gain profound insights into the intricate ecosystems and diverse marine life thriving in this pristine environment.